" Vim syntax file " This is a GENERATED FILE. Please always refer to source file at the URI below. " Language: Apache configuration (httpd.conf, srm.conf, access.conf, .htaccess) " Maintainer: David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz> " Last Change: 2002-10-15 " URL: http://trific.ath.cx/Ftp/vim/syntax/apache.vim " Note: define apache_version to your Apache version, e.g. "1.3", "2", "2.0.39" " Setup if version >= 600 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif else syntax clear endif if exists("apache_version") let s:av = apache_version else let s:av = "1.3" endif let s:av = substitute(s:av, "[^.0-9]", "", "g") let s:av = substitute(s:av, "^\\d\\+$", "\\0.999", "") let s:av = substitute(s:av, "^\\d\\+\\.\\d\\+$", "\\0.999", "") let s:av = substitute(s:av, "\\<\\d\\>", "0\\0", "g") let s:av = substitute(s:av, "\\<\\d\\d\\>", "0\\0", "g") let s:av = substitute(s:av, "[.]", "", "g") syn case ignore " Base constructs syn match apacheComment "^\s*#.*$" contains=apacheFixme if s:av >= "002000000" syn match apacheUserID "#-\?\d\+\>" endif syn case match syn keyword apacheFixme FIXME TODO XXX NOT syn case ignore syn match apacheAnything "\s[^>]*" contained syn match apacheError "\w\+" contained syn region apacheString start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\\"+ " Core and mpm syn keyword apacheDeclaration AccessFileName AddDefaultCharset AllowOverride AuthName AuthType ContentDigest DefaultType DocumentRoot ErrorDocument ErrorLog HostNameLookups IdentityCheck Include KeepAlive KeepAliveTimeout LimitRequestBody LimitRequestFields LimitRequestFieldsize LimitRequestLine LogLevel MaxKeepAliveRequests NameVirtualHost Options Require RLimitCPU RLimitMEM RLimitNPROC Satisfy ScriptInterpreterSource ServerAdmin ServerAlias ServerName ServerPath ServerRoot ServerSignature ServerTokens TimeOut UseCanonicalName if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AccessConfig AddModule BindAddress BS2000Account ClearModuleList CoreDumpDirectory Group Listen ListenBacklog LockFile MaxClients MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareServers MinSpareServers PidFile Port ResourceConfig ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ServerType StartServers ThreadsPerChild ThreadStackSize User endif if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AcceptPathInfo CGIMapExtension EnableMMAP FileETag ForceType LimitXMLRequestBody SetHandler SetInputFilter SetOutputFilter syn keyword apacheOption INode MTime Size endif syn keyword apacheOption Any All On Off Double EMail DNS Min Minimal OS Prod ProductOnly Full syn keyword apacheOption emerg alert crit error warn notice info debug syn keyword apacheOption registry script inetd standalone syn match apacheOptionOption "[+-]\?\<\(ExecCGI\|FollowSymLinks\|Includes\|IncludesNoExec\|Indexes\|MultiViews\|SymLinksIfOwnerMatch\)\>" syn keyword apacheOption user group valid-user syn case match syn keyword apacheMethodOption GET POST PUT DELETE CONNECT OPTIONS TRACE PATCH PROPFIND PROPPATCH MKCOL COPY MOVE LOCK UNLOCK contained syn case ignore syn match apacheSection "<\/\=\(Directory\|DirectoryMatch\|Files\|FilesMatch\|IfModule\|IfDefine\|Location\|LocationMatch\|VirtualHost\)\+.*>" contains=apacheAnything syn match apacheLimitSection "<\/\=\(Limit\|LimitExcept\)\+.*>" contains=apacheLimitSectionKeyword,apacheMethodOption,apacheError syn keyword apacheLimitSectionKeyword Limit LimitExcept contained syn match apacheAuthType "AuthType\s.*$" contains=apacheAuthTypeValue syn keyword apacheAuthTypeValue Basic Digest syn match apacheAllowOverride "AllowOverride\s.*$" contains=apacheAllowOverrideValue,apacheComment syn keyword apacheAllowOverrideValue AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options contained if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration CoreDumpDirectory Group Listen ListenBacklog LockFile MaxClients MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareThreads MaxSpareThreadsPerChild MinSpareThreads NumServers PidFile ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ServerLimit StartServers StartThreads ThreadLimit ThreadsPerChild User syn keyword apacheDeclaration MaxThreads ThreadStackSize syn keyword apacheDeclaration AssignUserId ChildPerUserId syn keyword apacheDeclaration AcceptMutex MaxSpareServers MinSpareServers syn keyword apacheOption flock fcntl sysvsem pthread endif " Modules syn match apacheAllowDeny "Allow\s\+from.*$" contains=apacheAllowDenyValue,apacheComment syn match apacheAllowDeny "Deny\s\+from.*$" contains=apacheAllowDenyValue,apacheComment syn keyword apacheAllowDenyValue All None contained syn match apacheOrder "^\s*Order\s.*$" contains=apacheOrderValue,apacheComment syn keyword apacheOrderValue Deny Allow contained syn keyword apacheDeclaration Action Script syn keyword apacheDeclaration Alias AliasMatch Redirect RedirectMatch RedirectTemp RedirectPermanent ScriptAlias ScriptAliasMatch syn keyword apacheOption permanent temp seeother gone syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthAuthoritative AuthGroupFile AuthUserFile syn keyword apacheDeclaration Anonymous Anonymous_Authoritative Anonymous_LogEmail Anonymous_MustGiveEmail Anonymous_NoUserID Anonymous_VerifyEmail if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthDBGroupFile AuthDBUserFile AuthDBAuthoritative endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthDBMGroupFile AuthDBMUserFile AuthDBMAuthoritative if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthDBMType syn keyword apacheOption default SDBM GDBM NDBM DB endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthDigestAlgorithm AuthDigestDomain AuthDigestFile AuthDigestGroupFile AuthDigestNcCheck AuthDigestNonceFormat AuthDigestNonceLifetime AuthDigestQop syn keyword apacheOption none auth auth-int MD5 MD5-sess if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthLDAPAuthoritative AuthLDAPBindON AuthLDAPBindPassword AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases AuthLDAPEnabled AuthLDAPFrontPageHack AuthLDAPGroupAttribute AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN AuthLDAPStartTLS AuthLDAPUrl syn keyword apacheOption always never searching finding endif if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration FancyIndexing endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration AddAlt AddAltByEncoding AddAltByType AddDescription AddIcon AddIconByEncoding AddIconByType DefaultIcon HeaderName IndexIgnore IndexOptions IndexOrderDefault ReadmeName syn keyword apacheOption DescriptionWidth FancyIndexing FoldersFirst IconHeight IconsAreLinks IconWidth NameWidth ScanHTMLTitles SuppressColumnSorting SuppressDescription SuppressHTMLPreamble SuppressLastModified SuppressSize TrackModified syn keyword apacheOption Ascending Descending Name Date Size Description if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheOption HTMLTable SupressIcon SupressRules VersionSort endif if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration BrowserMatch BrowserMatchNoCase endif if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration CacheDefaultExpire CacheEnable CacheForceCompletion CacheIgnoreCacheControl CacheIgnoreNoLastMod CacheLastModifiedFactor CacheMaxExpire CacheMaxStreamingBuffer endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration MetaFiles MetaDir MetaSuffix syn keyword apacheDeclaration ScriptLog ScriptLogLength ScriptLogBuffer if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration ScriptStock syn keyword apacheDeclaration CharsetDefault CharsetOptions CharsetSourceEnc syn keyword apacheOption DebugLevel ImplicitAdd NoImplicitAdd endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration Dav DavDepthInfinity DavLockDB DavMinTimeout if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration Define end if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration DeflateBufferSize DeflateFilterNote DeflateMemLevel DeflateWindowSize endif if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AuthDigestFile endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration DirectoryIndex if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration ProtocolEcho endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration PassEnv SetEnv UnsetEnv syn keyword apacheDeclaration Example syn keyword apacheDeclaration ExpiresActive ExpiresByType ExpiresDefault if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration ExtFilterDefine ExtFilterOptions syn keyword apacheOption PreservesContentLength DebugLevel LogStderr NoLogStderr syn keyword apacheDeclaration CacheFile MMapFile endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration Header if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration RequestHeader endif syn keyword apacheOption set unset append add syn keyword apacheDeclaration ImapMenu ImapDefault ImapBase syn keyword apacheOption none formatted semiformatted unformatted syn keyword apacheOption nocontent referer error map syn keyword apacheDeclaration XBitHack if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration SSIEndTag SSIErrorMsg SSIStartTag SSITimeFormat SSIUndefinedEcho endif syn keyword apacheOption on off full syn keyword apacheDeclaration AddModuleInfo syn keyword apacheDeclaration ISAPIReadAheadBuffer ISAPILogNotSupported ISAPIAppendLogToErrors ISAPIAppendLogToQuery if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration ISAPICacheFile ISAIPFakeAsync syn keyword apacheDeclaration LDAPCacheEntries LDAPCacheTTL LDAPCertDBPath LDAPOpCacheEntries LDAPOpCacheTTL LDAPSharedCacheSize endif if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AgentLog endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration CookieLog CustomLog LogFormat TransferLog if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration RefererIgnore RefererLog endif if s:av >= "002000000" endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration AddCharset AddEncoding AddHandler AddLanguage AddType DefaultLanguage RemoveEncoding RemoveHandler RemoveType TypesConfig if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration ForceType SetHandler endif if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration AddInputFilter AddOutputFilter ModMimeUsePathInfo MultiviewsMatch RemoveInputFilter RemoveOutputFilter endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration MimeMagicFile syn keyword apacheDeclaration MMapFile syn keyword apacheDeclaration CacheNegotiatedDocs LanguagePriority if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration ForceLanguagePriority endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlModule PerlRequire PerlTaintCheck PerlWarn syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlSetVar PerlSetEnv PerlPassEnv PerlSetupEnv syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlInitHandler PerlPostReadRequestHandler PerlHeaderParserHandler syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlTransHandler PerlAccessHandler PerlAuthenHandler PerlAuthzHandler syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlTypeHandler PerlFixupHandler PerlHandler PerlLogHandler syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlCleanupHandler PerlChildInitHandler PerlChildExitHandler syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlRestartHandler PerlDispatchHandler syn keyword apacheDeclaration PerlFreshRestart PerlSendHeader syn keyword apacheDeclaration php_value php_flag php_admin_value php_admin_flag syn keyword apacheDeclaration AllowCONNECT NoProxy ProxyBlock ProxyDomain ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse ProxyReceiveBufferSize ProxyRemote ProxyRequests ProxyVia if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration CacheRoot CacheSize CacheMaxExpire CacheDefaultExpire CacheLastModifiedFactor CacheGcInterval CacheDirLevels CacheDirLength CacheForceCompletion NoCache syn keyword apacheOption block endif if s:av >= "002000000" syn match apacheSection "<\/\=\(Proxy\|ProxyMatch\)\+.*>" contains=apacheAnything syn keyword apacheDeclaration ProxyErrorOverride ProxyIOBufferSize ProxyMaxForwards ProxyPreserveHost ProxyRemoteMatch ProxyTimeout endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration RewriteEngine RewriteOptions RewriteLog RewriteLogLevel RewriteLock RewriteMap RewriteBase RewriteCond RewriteRule syn keyword apacheOption inherit if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration RoamingAlias endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration BrowserMatch BrowserMatchNoCase SetEnvIf SetEnvIfNoCase syn keyword apacheDeclaration LoadFile LoadModule syn keyword apacheDeclaration CheckSpelling syn keyword apacheDeclaration SSLCACertificateFile SSLCACertificatePath SSLCARevocationFile SSLCARevocationPath SSLCertificateChainFile SSLCertificateFile SSLCertificateKeyFile SSLCipherSuite SSLEngine SSLMutex SSLOptions SSLPassPhraseDialog SSLProtocol SSLRandomSeed SSLRequire SSLRequireSSL SSLSessionCache SSLSessionCacheTimeout SSLVerifyClient SSLVerifyDepth if s:av < "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration SSLLog SSLLogLevel endif if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration SSLProxyCACertificateFile SSLProxyCACertificatePath SSLProxyCARevocationFile SSLProxyCARevocationPath SSLProxyCipherSuite SSLProxyEngine SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath SSLProxyProtocol SSLProxyVerify SSLProxyVerifyDepth endif syn match apacheOption "[+-]\?\<\(StdEnvVars\|CompatEnvVars\|ExportCertData\|FakeBasicAuth\|StrictRequire\|OptRenegotiate\)\>" syn keyword apacheOption builtin sem syn match apacheOption "\(file\|exec\|egd\|dbm\|shm\):" if s:av < "002000000" syn match apacheOption "[+-]\?\<\(SSLv2\|SSLv3\|TLSv1\)\>" endif if s:av >= "002000000" syn match apacheOption "[+-]\?\<\(SSLv2\|SSLv3\|TLSv1\|kRSA\|kHDr\|kDHd\|kEDH\|aNULL\|aRSA\|aDSS\|aRH\|eNULL\|DES\|3DES\|RC2\|RC4\|IDEA\|MD5\|SHA1\|SHA\|EXP\|EXPORT40\|EXPORT56\|LOW\|MEDIUM\|HIGH\|RSA\|DH\|EDH\|ADH\|DSS\|NULL\)\>" endif syn keyword apacheOption optional require optional_no_ca syn keyword apacheDeclaration ExtendedStatus if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration SuexecUserGroup endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration UserDir syn keyword apacheDeclaration CookieExpires CookieName CookieTracking if s:av >= "002000000" syn keyword apacheDeclaration CookieDomain CookieStyle syn keyword apacheOption Netscape Cookie Cookie2 RFC2109 RFC2965 endif syn keyword apacheDeclaration VirtualDocumentRoot VirtualDocumentRootIP VirtualScriptAlias VirtualScriptAliasIP " Define the default highlighting if version >= 508 || !exists("did_apache_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_apache_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink apacheAllowOverride apacheDeclaration HiLink apacheAllowOverrideValue apacheOption HiLink apacheAuthType apacheDeclaration HiLink apacheAuthTypeValue apacheOption HiLink apacheOptionOption apacheOption HiLink apacheDeclaration Function HiLink apacheAnything apacheOption HiLink apacheOption Number HiLink apacheComment Comment HiLink apacheFixme Todo HiLink apacheLimitSectionKeyword apacheLimitSection HiLink apacheLimitSection apacheSection HiLink apacheSection Label HiLink apacheMethodOption Type HiLink apacheAllowDeny Include HiLink apacheAllowDenyValue Identifier HiLink apacheOrder Special HiLink apacheOrderValue String HiLink apacheString String HiLink apacheError Error HiLink apacheUserID Number delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "apache"