if(!this["console"]){this.console = {};}
var i=0,tn,cn=["assert","count","debug","dir","dirxml","error","group","groupEnd","info",
while ((tn = cn[i++])) {
if (!console[tn]) {
(function () { var a = tn + "", console[a] = ("log" in console) ?
function(){var a=tn+"";console[a]=("log" in console) ?
function(){var b=Array.apply({},arguments);b.unshift(a+":");
console["log"](b.join(" "))} : function(){}})()
var AskApacheJS = new Object({
/* Runs on page load. Initializes ajs as being an alias for AskApacheJS,
* and runs the append_validation_links function after 5 seconds. */
_init: function () {/*console.log('Running _init');*/
window.ajs = this; setTimeout(ajs.append_validation_links, 5000);
append_validation_links: function () {/*console.log('Running append_validation_links');*/
var ac=ajs.gi('validatelinks');
if(ac) {
var url=encodeURI(window.location).toString().replace(/&/g,"&");
ac.innerHTML =
" | "
+ " | "
+ " | "
+ " | "
+ " | "
+ "";
/* gi stands for get item, and returns an element by id. Very robust: if it cant find the object it logs to the console. */
gi: function (B) {/*console.log('Running gi '+B);*/
try {var b = document.getElementById(B);}
catch(e1) {b = null;try {b = document.all(B);}
catch(e2) {b = null;try {b = document.layers[B];}
catch(e3) {b = null;}}}
return (ajs.isobj(b)) ? b : ajs.er("ERR gi " + B);
/* This function writes the passed msg to the console as type 'error'
* and then returns false since it was afterall an error. */
er: function (msg) { console.error(msg); return false; },
/* Returns true or false based on whether the passed item was an object, used by gi. */
isobj: function (_1e) { return (typeof _1e != "undefined" && typeof _1e === "object") ? true : false; }
;(function () {
if (!window.ajs)var ajs=AskApacheJS;window.ajs=ajs=AskApacheJS;