#!/bin/bash # ==> Script by James R. Van Zandt, and used here with his permission. # ==> Comments added by author of this document. HERE=`uname -n` # ==> hostname THERE=bilbo echo "starting remote backup to $THERE at `date +%r`" # ==> `date +%r` returns time in 12-hour format, i.e. "08:08:34 PM". # make sure /pipe really is a pipe and not a plain file rm -rf /pipe mkfifo /pipe # ==> Create a "named pipe", named "/pipe". # ==> 'su xyz' runs commands as user "xyz". # ==> 'ssh' invokes secure shell (remote login client). su xyz -c "ssh $THERE \"cat > /home/xyz/backup/${HERE}-daily.tar.gz\" < /pipe"& cd / tar -czf - bin boot dev etc home info lib man root sbin share usr var > /pipe # ==> Uses named pipe, /pipe, to communicate between processes: # ==> 'tar/gzip' writes to /pipe and 'ssh' reads from /pipe. # ==> The end result is this backs up the main directories, from / on down. # ==> What are the advantages of a "named pipe" in this situation, # ==>+ as opposed to an "anonymous pipe", with |? # ==> Will an anonymous pipe even work here? # ==> Is it necessary to delete the pipe before exiting the script? # ==> How could that be done? exit 0