_DYNAMIC _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ __gmon_start__ _fini __cxa_finalize _Jv_RegisterClasses memset strcmp __strtol_internal write apr_palloc __ctype_tolower_loc getenv apr_pstrdup strrchr apr_strerror apr_table_elts strlen strncat apr_pstrcat apr_psprintf apr_table_set apr_table_addn apr_array_push apr_table_setn apr_sleep ap_find_linked_module apr_table_unset mkstemp ap_get_server_version strcpy ap_log_error strcasecmp apr_table_get __ctype_b_loc strchr apr_table_add ap_get_remote_host ap_get_remote_logname ap_document_root ap_get_server_name ap_get_server_port localtime apr_uid_name_get apr_gid_name_get ap_server_root_relative apr_array_make apr_array_cat apr_pool_cleanup_null apr_pool_cleanup_register apr_brigade_create ap_get_brigade apr_bucket_type_eos apr_bucket_type_flush apr_brigade_cleanup ap_add_input_filter_handle free apr_pool_destroy memcpy malloc __errno_location apr_pool_create_ex strncasecmp apr_table_copy ap_add_cgi_vars ap_add_common_vars ap_create_environment apr_procattr_create apr_procattr_io_set chdir ap_os_create_privileged_process apr_pool_note_subprocess apr_file_pipe_timeout_set apr_file_read apr_proc_wait apr_time_now ap_regexec security_module apr_file_open ap_open_piped_log getcwd ap_pregcomp __strdup apr_file_write_full apr_file_close apr_md5_final apr_snprintf ap_get_status_line apr_global_mutex_lock apr_global_mutex_unlock apr_md5_update apr_md5_init apr_dir_make_recursive apr_vsnprintf apr_time_exp_lt apr_strftime unlink apr_file_rename strstr strncmp apr_pstrmemdup apr_array_pstrcat apr_table_make ap_is_initial_req ap_sub_req_lookup_uri ap_destroy_sub_req apr_global_mutex_destroy apr_pool_userdata_get apr_global_mutex_create unixd_set_global_mutex_perms getppid getpid chroot exit ap_add_version_component apr_pool_userdata_set srand apr_global_mutex_child_init ap_bucket_error_create apr_bucket_eos_create ap_pass_brigade apr_bucket_heap_create ap_remove_input_filter ap_bucket_type_error ap_remove_output_filter ap_add_output_filter_handle ap_hook_post_config ap_hook_log_transaction ap_hook_fixups ap_hook_child_init ap_hook_error_log ap_hook_insert_filter ap_register_input_filter ap_register_output_filter libc.so.6 _edata __bss_start _end mod_security.so GLIBC_2.1.3 GLIBC_2.3 GLIBC_2.0 [^_] [^_] 2B;M [^_] <@v3$ [^_] ,[^_] ,0< v ,[^_] [^_] ,[^_] [^_] GF;} [^_] [^_] <;tH1 B<;t! <[^_] <[^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] t{F9 L[^_] [^_] ;AL|$;AP [^_] ,0< v ,0< v ;AL|$;AP [^_] ,0< v ,0< v [^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] u F9 q4tK @l9B <=t*<&t&;} <&t ;} ,[^_] [^_] |[^_] ,[^_] [^_] <[^_] <[^_] [^_] <-tV t F u F t F u F [^_] tF<\t 8|tx tdHy [^_] [^_] t8<1u :|t} [^_] \[^_] \[^_] [^_] l[^_] , <^w# [^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] [^_] ,[^_] [^_] t%F;r <[^_] [^_] [^_] :-uM [^_] B < t0< t,< t( t+< t<< t8 [^_] <\t1<"t <:tP [^_] \[^_] [^_] [^_] 81tI L[^_] [^_] L[^_] [^_] tZ@tW [^_] ,[^_] <[^_] [^_] <[^_] L[^_] (^_] UNKOWN HEADER ARGS POST_PAYLOAD ARGS_NAMES ARGS_VALUES ARGS_SELECTIVE OUTPUT COOKIES_NAMES COOKIES_VALUES COOKIE HEADERS HEADERS_COUNT HEADERS_NAMES HEADERS_VALUES FILES_COUNT FILES_NAMES FILES_SIZES ARGS_COUNT REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_USER REMOTE_IDENT REQUEST_METHOD SCRIPT_FILENAME PATH_INFO QUERY_STRING AUTH_TYPE DOCUMENT_ROOT SERVER_ADMIN SERVER_NAME SERVER_ADDR SERVER_PORT SERVER_PROTOCOL SERVER_SOFTWARE TIME_YEAR TIME_MON TIME_DAY TIME_HOUR TIME_MIN TIME_SEC TIME_WDAY TIME API_VERSION THE_REQUEST REQUEST_URI REQUEST_FILENAME IS_SUBREQ HANDLER SCRIPT_UID SCRIPT_GID SCRIPT_USERNAME SCRIPT_GROUPNAME SCRIPT_MODE COOKIES_COUNT FILE_NAME FILE_SIZE OUTPUT_STATUS REQUEST_BASENAME SCRIPT_BASENAME EMERGENCY ALERT CRITICAL ERROR WARNING NOTICE DEBUG TMPDIR TEMP /tmp/ [severity "%s"] [msg "%s"] [rev "%s"] [id "%s"] Unknown error Skipping %i statements. %s%s mod_security-message mod_security-action Pausing "%s" for %i ms Executing command "%s" %s (failed) mod_security-executed Warning. %s%s Warning (chained rule). %s%s Location Access allowed. %s%s mod_proxy.c proxy:%s proxy-server mod_security.c utf-8 shift-jis shift_jis big5 gb2312 euc-tw euc-jp eucjis jis0208 Cookie Raw cookie header "%s" Unknown cookie format: %i Adding cookie "%s"="%s" Adding cookie "%s" (empty) $%s_%s %02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d %d:%d true false %04x logs/modsec_chroot.lock ABCFHZ (null) text/plain text/html (null) null given as argument mod_security-msr Stored msr (%x) in r (%x) Found msr (%x) in r (%x) MODSEC_NOPOSTBUFFERING Content-Length Content-Type %s/%s-%s-request_body-XXXXXX Failed to allocate %lu bytes Unable to allocate %i bytes multipart/form-data Invalid Content-Length [%lu] Invalid Content-Length: %li Adding parameter: "%s"="%s" Failed to allocate %li bytes Checking signature "%s" at %s Variable not found "%s" %s(%s) %s: %s Rule match, returning code %i Signature check returned %i Unprocessed return code %i Allow request to pass through PATH_TRANSLATED REDIRECT_STATUS Checking against "%s" Check took %u usec Pattern match "%s" at %s nolog noauditlog status chain chained skipnext skip deny allow pass exec redirect proxy mandatory severity pause setenv setnote logparts Unknown action: %s Invalid range DynamicOnly RelevantOnly DynamicOrRelevant Serial Concurrent none relevantonly Unknown option: %s %s Unable to allocate memory Failed to merge actionsets ARG_ HTTP_ HEADER_ FILE_NAME_ FILE_SIZE_ COOKIE_ ENV_ UKNOWN Unknown variable name: %s Unknown cookie format: %s Unknown charset: %s env= Error in condition clause Missing variable name SecFilter The filtering expression SecFilterDebugLog SecFilterDebugLevel SecFilterSelective SecFilterEngine SecServerResponseToken SecFilterScanPOST SecFilterScanOutput SecFilterDefaultAction SecFilterSignatureAction SecAuditEngine SecAuditLog SecChrootDir SecChrootLock SecServerSignature SecFilterOutputMimeTypes SecFilterInheritance SecFilterCheckURLEncoding SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding SecFilterForceByteRange SecUploadDir SecUploadInMemoryLimit SecUploadKeepFiles SecUploadApproveScript SecFilterNormalizeCookies SecFilterCheckCookieFormat SecFilterCookieFormat SecCharset Configures the charset SecFilterImport SecFilterRemove SecFilterInheritanceMandatory SecGuardianLog SecAuditLogType SecAuditLogStorageDir SecAuditLogParts SecAuditLogRelevantStatus SecFilterActionsRestricted Logging phase starting UNIQUE_ID Referer User-Agent %lld %lld "%s" %i %s %s %s %s L HTTP/1.1 force-response-1.0 HTTP/1.0 downgrade-1.0 --%s-F-- %s: %s --%s-H-- Message: %s Action: Intercepted (%s) Stopwatch: %lld %lld (- - -) Producer: %s --%s-Z-- %s %i %i md5:%s Server: %s %lld Apache-Handler: %s --%s-E-- %s %i --%s-C-- error-notes Request: %s Error: %s [@file:%s] [POST payload not available] --%s-A-- [%s] %s %s %i %s %i --%s-B-- mod_security- [unique_id "%s"] [hostname "%s"] %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %c%.2d%.2d %Y%m%d-%H%M%S %s/%s-%s-%s multipart_cleanup: Started boundary= filename Content-Disposition Multipart: part name missing Added data to variable: %s Multipart: Created file "%s" _XXXXXX Approver script said: %s FILE+ Normalised REQUEST_URI: "%s" Parsing arguments... Content-Type is "%s" Error verifying files: %s Error verifying file: %s Content-Type is not available Error parsing cookies: %s Invalid parameters: %s mod_security-time%i Time #%i: %lld usec Transfer-Encoding chunked MODSEC_ENABLE mod_security-relevant mod_security-body Subrequest says %s for %s sec_init_flag 1.9.4 mod_security/%s configured ctx->tmp_file_name "%s" sec_filter_out: start sec_filter_out: sent %i bytes sec_filter_out: done writing sec_filter_out: done reading (null) sec_insert_filter: Starting mod_unique_id.c mod_ssl.c mod_fcgid.c mod_cgid.c MODSEC_IN MODSEC_OUT 0123456789abcdef Using new value for audit log parts: %s Access denied with code %i. %s%s Access denied with redirect to [%s]. %s%s Proxy action requsted but mod_proxy not found [%s]. SecServerSignature: the current signature is too short. Please set ServerTokens to Full SecServerSignature: ap_get_server_version returned NULL Error normalising cookie value: %s Error normalising cookie name: %s get_variable: Variable FILE_NAME requires name get_variable: Variable FILE_SIZE requires name get_variable: unresolved variable type %i (internal error) Invalid character detected [%i] Invalid URL encoding detected: not enough characters Invalid URL encoding detected: invalid characters used Invalid Unicode encoding: overlong character Invalid Unicode encoding: not enough bytes Invalid Unicode encoding: invalid byte value Found msr (%x) in r->prev (%x) Found msr (%x) in r->main (%x) read_post_payload: request body buffering is off here (scan post = %i) read_post_payload: POST scanning turned off dynamically (MODSEC_NOPOSTBUFFERING="%s") read_post_payload: read %lu bytes Error processing request body: %s Error writing request body to file: %i Error reading from a bucket, error code %i: %s Error reading request body, error code %i: %s read_post_payload: Failed to create file "%s" because %d("%s") read_post_payload: Memory allocation failed Failed to initialise multipart/form-data parsing: %s Content-Length too long for request buffering: %lu read_post_payload: Content-Length not found - unable to observe request body read_post_payload: this request has no body (%i) Adding parameter: "%s" (empty) Error normalising parameter name: %s Error normalising parameter value: %s remove_binary_content: failed to allocate %li bytes Error processing signature: %s Checking signature "%s" at ARG("%s") Checking signature "%s" at COOKIE("%s") Checking signature "%s" at FILES_SIZES Checking signature "%s" at FILES_NAMES Checking signature "%s" at HEADERS_VALUES Checking signature "%s" at HEADERS_VALUES("%s") Checking signature "%s" at HEADERS_NAMES Checking signature "%s" at HEADERS Checking signature "%s" at COOKIES_VALUES Checking signature "%s" at COOKIES_VALUES("%s") Checking signature "%s" at COOKIES_NAMES Checking signature "%s" at ARGS_VALUES Checking signature "%s" at ARGS_VALUES("%s") Checking signature "%s" at ARGS_NAMES Checking signature "%s" at POST_PAYLOAD Checking signature "%s" at POST_PAYLOAD (faked) Failed during fake POST payload construction Filtering against POST payload requested but payload is not available Checking signature "%s" at QUERY_STRING Checking signature "%s" at ARGS_SELECTIVE Failed with construct_fake_urlencoded Checking signature "%s" at REQUEST_URI Last rule marked as chained - ignoring Chained rule and no match, find the next rule not in chain Chained rule with match, continue in the loop Failed to execute: "%s" (rc=%d) sec_exec_child: First line from script output: "%s" File execution failed: %s (%s) sec_exec_chiled: Failed to get script output pipe sec_exec_child: Unable to create procattr sec_exec_child: Unable to allocate %i bytes sec_exec_child: Unable to create environment Pattern match "%s" at %s("%s") check_sig_against_sig: Internal Error: received null for argument Compiled regex for pattern "%s" is null! Action "status" requires a parameter Invalid value for action '%s': %s Action "exec" requires a parameter Action "redirect" requires a parameter Action "proxy" requires a parameter Action "msg" requires a parameter Action "id" requires a parameter Action "rev" requires a parameter Invalid value for severity: %s Action "severity" requires a parameter Invalid value for action 'pause': %s Action "pause" requires a parameter Action "setenv" requires a parameter Invalid parts specification: %s Action "logparts" requires a parameter Invalid quoting in the action list Invalid action list, missing closing quote: %s Invalid action list, colon or comma expected at position %i: %s Unrecognized parameter value for SecFilterEngine: %s SecServerResponseToken not allowed in VirtualHost Unrecognised parameter value for SecAuditEngine: %s mod_security: Failed to open the audit log file: %s mod_security: Failed to open the audit log pipe: %s Unrecognised parameter value for SecAuditLogType: %s Invalid parts specification for SecAuditLogParts: %s Actions id, rev, chained, and skip are not allowed in SecFilterDefaultAction Actions id, rev, chained, and skip are not allowed in SecFilterSignatureAction SecChrootDir not allowed in VirtualHost SecChrootDir: failed to get the current working directory SecChrootDir: failed to chdir to "%s", errno=%d(%s) SecChrootLock not allowed in VirtualHost SecChrootLock: allocation failed SecServerSignature not allowed in VirtualHost Upload memory limit cannot be negative Action "mandatory" cannot be used on a chained rule that did not start the chain Action "id" cannot be used on a chained rule that did not start the chain Action "rev" cannot be used on a chained rule that did not start the chain Action "severity" cannot be used on a chained rule that did not start the chain Not possible to use "skip" with a chained rule Invalid regular expression: %s mod_security: Failed to open the debug log file: %s SecGuardianLog not allowed in VirtualHost mod_security: Failed to open the guardian log file: %s mod_security: Failed to open the guardian log pipe: %s The filename of the filter debugging log file The level of the debugging log file verbosity The variable representing areas where filtering is wanted, the filtering regular expression and optional action to take on match On, Off, or DynamicOnly to determine when will request be filtered On or Off to set whether the mod_security token will appear in the server signature On or Off to set whether a request body will be processed On or Off to set whether output will be scanned too The default action to take on rule match Base action template for signatures that follow this directive On, Off, RelevantOnly or DynamicOrRelevent to determine the level of audit logging The filename of the audit log file The path of the directory to which server will be chrooted The filename of the lock file used during the chroot process. Defaults to "logs/modsec_chroot.lock" The new signature of the server The list of mime types that will be scanned on output On or Off to set whether rules from the parent context will be inherited On or Off to set whether URL encoding validation will be performed On or Off to set whether Unicode encoding validation will be performed The first and the last byte value of the range that will be accepted The path to the directory where uploaded files should be stored The maximal size of memory used for storing multipart/form-data requests On or Off to choose whether to keep the uploaded files or not The path to the script that will be called to approve every uploaded file On or Off to determine whether cookie values will be normalized for testing, defaults to On On or Off to determine whether cookie format will be checked, defaults to On version of the Cookie specification to use for parsing. Possible values are 0 and 1. imports a rule from the parent configuration context. removes a rule that was inherited from the parent configuration context. when this directive is set to On then the rules in the parent context cannot be removed from a child context. whether to use the old audit log format (Serial) or new (Concurrent) path to the audit log storage area; absolute, or relative to the root of the server list of audit log parts that go into the log. regular expression that will be used to determine if the response status is relevant for audit logging whether to allow rules to override SecFiltersDefaultAction configuration Audit log: Status %i considered relevant Audit log: Status %i considered not relevant Audit log enabled, but filename not specified, uri="%s" Audit log: Internal Error - unknown setting detected (%i) Audit log: Set to RelevantOnly - ignoring a non-relevant request Audit log: Set to DynamicOrRelevant - ignoring a non-dynamic and non-relevant request Audit log: Set to Off - skipping Audit log: Not logging because asked not to %s %s %s %s [%s] "%s" %i %ld "%s" "%s" %s "%s" %s %s %s %s [%s] "%s" %i %s "%s" "%s" %s "%s" GuardianLog: Reduced the_request to %i bytes GuardianLog: Atomic pipe write size too small: %i GuardianLog: Reduced user_agent to 64 GuardianLog: Reduced referer to 64 GuardianLog: Reduced local_user to 32 GuardianLog: Reduced remote_user to 32 sec_audit_logger_concurrent: Starting ModSecurity v1.9.4 (Apache 2.x) Audit Log: Atomic PIPE write buffer too small: %i Response-Body-Transformed: Dechunked Request-Body-Transformed: Reconstructed-URLEncoded Stopwatch: %lld %lld (%lld%s %s %s) Audit log: Failed to reconstruct request body sec_audit_logger_serial: start ============================== ---------------------------------------- sec_audit_logger_serial: is_relevant=%i, should_body_exist=%i, is_body_read=%i mod_security: apr_global_mutex_unlock(modsec_auditlog_lock) failed mod_security: apr_global_mutex_lock(modsec_auditlog_lock) failed sec_audit_logger: Could not allocate output buffer #2 [asked for %lu] sec_audit_logger: Could not allocate output buffer #1 [asked for %lu] sec_audit_logger_serial: skipping, the_request is null Audit log: Failed writing (requested %ui bytes, written %ui) Audit log initialisation: skipping, the_request is null Audit log: Failed to create subdirectories: %s (%s) Audit log: Failed to create file: %s (%s) Audit log: Concurrent audit logging requested, but UNIQUE_ID not found. Please activate mod_unique_id first. Audit log initialisation: skipping, auditlog_fd is null [%s] [%s/sid#%lx][rid#%lx][%s][%i] %s [client %s] mod_security: %s%s [uri "%s"]%s /%Y%m%d/%Y%m%d-%H%M/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S Checking signature "%s" at FILES_NAMES(%s) Checking signature "%s" at FILES_SIZES("%s") request_body_file_cleanup: Started request_body_file_cleanup: Deleted file "%s" request_body_file_cleanup: Failed to delete file "%s" because %d("%s") request_body_file_cleanup: Renaming request body file %s to %s request_body_file_cleanup: Failed to rename %s to %s request_body_file_cleanup: Copying request body file %s to %s request_body_file_cleanup: Failed to copy %s to %s multipart_cleanup: deleting empty temporary file (part) "%s" multipart_cleanup: Deleted empty file (part) "%s" multipart_cleanup: Failed to delete empty file (part) "%s" because %d(%s) multipart_cleanup: deleting temporary file (part) "%s" multipart_cleanup: Deleted file (part) "%s" multipart_cleanup: Failed to delete file (part) "%s" because %d(%s) multipart_init: Boundary not found or invalid multipart_init: Content-Type header not available Multipart: ignoring data after last boundary (%i bytes left) Multipart: part header line over %i bytes long Multipart: ignoring data before first boundary Multipart: invalid boundary encountered: %s Multipart: internal error in process_chunk: no more space in the buffer Multipart: ignoring data after last boundary (received %i bytes) multipart_parse_content_disposition: name %s multipart_parse_content_disposition: filename %s Multipart: invalid part header (missing colon): %s multipart_process_par_header: added part header "%s" "%s" Multipart: part header already exists: %s multipart_process_par_header: continued folder header "%s" with "%s" Multpart: invalid part header (too long) Multipart: invalid part header (invalid folding) Multipart: invalid Content-Disposition header (%i): %s Multipart: part is missing the Content-Disposition header Multipart: unknown part type %i Multipart: writing to "%s" failed Multipart: Failed to create file "%s" Multipart: final boundary missing multipart_process_boundary: last_part = %i multipart_process_boundary: added part %x to the list: name "%s" multipart_process_boundary: added file part %x to the list: name "%s" file name "%s" size %u verify_uploaded_file: Executing %s to validate %s verify_uploaded_file: Execution of the approver script "%s" failed File "%s" rejected by the approver script "%s" Error normalising REQUEST_URI: %s application/x-www-form-urlencoded Error while removing binary content from POST Error parsing multipart parameters: %s Parsing variables from POST payload Error normalising POST payload: %s Error parsing POST parameters: %s PUT method detected, request body is file: %s Error validating header value (%s): %s Error validating header name: %s mod_security: Internal header detected in request: %s sec_time_checkpoint: Unknown checkpoint: %i Detection phase starting (request %x): "%s" sec_check_access: Detected MODSEC_ENABLE: %s Executing a subrequest to determine request handler sec_check_access: Filtering off, disabled for non-dynamic requests (and this is one) Ignoring invalid MODSEC_ENABLE: %s sec_check_access: Filtering off, not enabled here sec_check_access: Filtering off, dcfg is null sec_check_access: Filtering off, not an initial request sec_check_access: Added sec_filter_in filter (ctx %x) mod_security: chroot checkpoint #2 (pid=%i ppid=%i) mod_security: chroot successful, path=%s mod_security/%s configured - %s mod_security: chdoot failed, unable to chdir to /, errno=%d(%s) mod_security: chroot failed, path=%s, errno=%d(%s) mod_security: chroot failed, unable to chdir to %s, errno=%d(%s) mod_security: chroot checkpoint #1 (pid=%i ppid=%i) mod_security: Could not set permissions on modsec_auditlog_lock; check User and Group directives mod_security: Could not create modsec_auditlog_lock mod_security: SecServerResponseToken directive is deprecated Failed to child-init auditlog mutex mod_security: Internal chroot facility mailfunctioned! Exiting. sec_filter_in: start: inputmode=%i, readtype=%i, nBytes=%i sec_filter_in: Sent %d bytes (%lu total) sec_filter_in: Sent EOS bucket sec_filter_in: Failed to read %i bytes from the tmp file [fd=%i, gotlen=%i, errno=%i (%s)] sec_filter_in: Failed to allocate 4K bytes sec_filter_in: Failed to open file "%s" sec_filter_in: context not found! sec_filter_out: got %u bytes, bufused=%u, buflen=%u sec_filter_out: expanding buffer to %lu Error: Unknown variable type for output filtering (%i) sec_filter_out: Responded with %i Checking signature "%s" at OUTPUT_STATUS Checking signature "%s" at OUTPUT sec_filter_out: internal error, we shouldn't have arrived here sec_filter_out: Failed to allocate buffer [%lu] sec_filter_out: apr_bucket_read failed with %i sec_filter_out: Got error bucket, abandoning output filtering! sec_filter_out: Content-Type = "%s" sec_filter_out: got Content-Length %li sec_filter_out: Failed to allocate buffer [%li] sec_filter_out: Invalid Content-Length: %li sec_filter_out: Skipping since Content-Length is zero. sec_filter_out: Unable to allocate %i bytes sec_filter_out: Unable to find msr sec_insert_filter: Skipping, is_enabled is false sec_insert_filter: Skipping, output filtering is off here scan_pre: Adding output filter sec_insert_filter: Skipping, output filtering already completed sec_insert_filter: Skipping, msr is NULL (INTERNAL ERROR) 0123456789abcdef 02PA