AskApache Debug Viewer Plugin for WordPress

Screen Shots | PHP Debug Functions

screenshot-1The story behind this plugin is sorta wack, but in a good way :). While doing tons of security research on permissions, authorization, access, etc.. for the Password Protection plugin (still being worked on), I needed to have unheard of debugging capabilities while working on the plugin on the various websites, webhosts, and test servers that I use to test in different environments. So I hacked together a bunch of php code that helped me debug, actually I pretty much went overkill and tried to get as much debugging info as programmatically possible, and it ended up being so much code that I took it out of my Password Protection code and made it its own plugin.

I've been using it for several months now while working on a plugin or diagnosing some issue, and decided that I'd share it with everyone. Hopefully it will help other plugin authors and php programmers in general to start writing more robust and error-proof code, which would in turn help me! To help those not using WordPress, I've included most of the debugging functions below, but you'll need the AskApacheDebug class for them to work. Hope you find it useful! I do. Download AskApache Debug Viewer

Screenshots and Debug Output

The plugin outputs the debugging info in the admin footer by hooking into the 'in_admin_footer' action.

PHP Debugging Functions

Ok so for those interested more in the php flavor, here are a few of the functions that produce the debugging output. I'll start with my customized _stat function, which took a lot of research to write, but you can read that story at Chmod, Umask, Stat, Fileperms, and File Permissions.

function _stat($fl)
  static $ftypes = false;
  if (!$ftypes)
    $this->logg(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . __LINE__);
    $ftypes = array(S_IFSOCK => 'ssocket', S_IFLNK => 'llink', S_IFREG => '-file', S_IFBLK => 'bblock', S_IFDIR => 'ddir', S_IFCHR => 'cchar', S_IFIFO => 'pfifo');

  $s = $ss = array();
  if (($ss = stat($fl)) === false) return $this->logg(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . __LINE__ . " Couldnt stat {$fl}", 0);
  $p = $ss['mode'];
  $t = decoct($p & S_IFMT);
  $q = octdec($t);
  $type = (array_key_exists($q, $ftypes)) ? substr($ftypes[$q], 0, 1) : '?';
$s = array(
'filename' => $fl,

'human' => ($type .
(($p & S_IRUSR) ? 'r' : '-') . (($p & S_IWUSR) ? 'w' : '-') . (($p & S_ISUID) ? (($p & S_IXUSR) ? 's' : 'S') : (($p & S_IXUSR) ? 'x' : '-')) .
(($p & S_IRGRP) ? 'r' : '-') . (($p & S_IWGRP) ? 'w' : '-') . (($p & S_ISGID) ? (($p & S_IXGRP) ? 's' : 'S') : (($p & S_IXGRP) ? 'x' : '-')) .
(($p & S_IROTH) ? 'r' : '-') . (($p & S_IWOTH) ? 'w' : '-') . (($p & S_ISVTX) ? (($p & S_IXOTH) ? 't' : 'T') : (($p & S_IXOTH) ? 'x' : '-'))),
'octal' => sprintf("%o", ($ss['mode'] & 007777)),
'hex' => sprintf("0x%x", $ss['mode']),
'decimal' => sprintf("%d", $ss['mode']),
'binary' => sprintf("%b", $ss['mode']),
'base_convert' => base_convert($ss['mode'],10,8),
'fileperms' => fileperms($fl),
'mode' => $p,

'type_octal' => sprintf("%07o", $q),  'fileuid' => $ss['uid'],

'type' => $type,
'filegid' => $ss['gid'],
'owner_name' => $this->get_posix_info('user', $ss['uid'],
'group_name' => $this->get_posix_info('group', $ss['gid'],
'dirname' => dirname($fl),
'is_file' => is_file($fl) ? 1 : 0,
'is_dir' => is_dir($fl) ? 1 : 0,
'is_link' => is_link($fl) ? 1 : 0,
'is_readable' => is_readable($fl) ? 1 : 0,
'is_writable' =>
is_writable($fl) ? 1 : 0,'device' => $ss['dev'],
'device_number' => $ss['rdev'],
'inode' => $ss['ino'],
'link_count' => $ss['nlink'],
'size' => $ss['size'],
'blocks' => $ss['blocks'],
'block_size' => $ss['blksize'],
'accessed' => date('Y M D H:i:s', $ss['atime']),
'modified' => date('Y M D H:i:s', $ss['mtime']),
'created' => date('Y M D H:i:s', $ss['ctime']),
'mtime' => $ss['mtime'], 'atime' => $ss['atime'],
'ctime' => $ss['ctime'], );
  if (is_link($fl)) $s['link_to'] = readlink($fl);
  if (realpath($fl) != $fl) $s['real_filename'] = realpath($fl);

  return $s;


These are various security and user related information. Nice.

function get_debug_functions($vb=false)
  $functions = array(
'PHP script Process ID' => 'getmypid',
'PHP script owners UID' => 'getmyuid',
'php_sapi_name' => 'php_sapi_name',
'PHP Uname' => 'php_uname',
'Zend Version' => 'zend_version',
'PHP INI Loaded' => 'php_ini_loaded_file',
'Current Working Directory' => 'getcwd',
'Last Mod' => 'getlastmod',
'Script Inode' => 'getmyinode',
'Script GID' => 'getmygid',
'Script Owner' => 'get_current_user',
'Get Rusage' => 'getrusage',
'Error Reporting' => 'error_reporting',
'Path name of controlling terminal' => 'posix_ctermid',
'Error number set by the last posix function that failed' => 'posix_get_last_error',
'Pathname of current directory' => 'posix_getcwd',
'posix_getpid' => 'posix_getpid',
'posix_uname' => 'posix_uname',
'posix_times' =>'posix_times',
'posix_errno' => 'posix_errno',
'Effective group ID of the current process' => 'posix_getegid',
'Effective user ID of the current process' => 'posix_geteuid',
'Real group ID of the current process' => 'posix_getgid',
'Group set of the current process' => 'posix_getgroups',
'Login name' => 'posix_getlogin',
'Current process group identifier' => 'posix_getpgrp',
'Current process identifier' => 'posix_getpid',
'Parent process identifier' => 'posix_getppid',
'System Resource limits' => 'posix_getrlimit',
'Return the real user ID of the current process' => 'posix_getuid',
'Magic Quotes GPC' => 'get_magic_quotes_gpc',
'Magic Quotes Runtime' => 'get_magic_quotes_runtime', );

  foreach ($functions as $title => $func_name) {
    $val = '';
    if ( ( $this->checkfunction($func_name) && ($val = $func_name()) !== false) ){
      if (empty($val)) $val=$func_name;
      $oa[$title] = $val;

  return $oa;


This is a function designed to get as much information about file/user/group permissions as possible.

function get_debug_permissions($vb=false)

  $user_info = $this->get_posix_info('user');
  $group_info = $this->get_posix_info('group');

$functions = array(
'Real Group ID' => posix_getgid(),
'Effective Group ID' => posix_getegid(),
'Parent Process ID' => posix_getppid(),
'Parent Process Group ID' => posix_getpgid(posix_getppid()),
'Real Process ID' => posix_getpid(),
'Real Process Group ID' => posix_getpgid(posix_getpid()),
'Process Effective User ID' => posix_geteuid(),
'Process Owner Username' => $user_info['name'],
'File Owner Username' => get_current_user(),
'User Info' => print_r($user_info, 1),
'Group Info' => print_r($group_info, 1),
'RealPath'  => realpath(__FILE__),
'SAPI Name' => (function_exists('php_sapi_name')) ? print_r(php_sapi_name(), 1) : '',
'Posix Process Owner' => print_r(posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()), 1),
'Scanned Ini' => (function_exists('php_ini_scanned_files')) ? str_replace("n", "", php_ini_scanned_files()) : '',
'PHP.ini Path' => get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path'),
'Sendmail Path' => get_cfg_var('sendmail_path'),
'Info about a group by group id' => posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid()),
'Process group id for Current process' => posix_getpgid(posix_getpid()),
'Process group id for Parent process' => posix_getpgid(posix_getppid()),
'Process group id of the session leader.' => posix_getsid(posix_getpid()),
'Info about a user by username' => posix_getpwnam(get_current_user()),
'Info about a user by user id' => posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()),
'Apache Version' => (function_exists('apache_get_version')) ? print_r(apache_get_version(), 1) : '',
'Apache Modules' => (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) ? print_r(apache_get_modules(), 1) : '',
'PHP_LOGO_GUI' => php_logo_guid(),
'ZEND_LOGO_GUI' => zend_logo_guid()

  foreach ($functions as $title => $v) $oa[$title] = $v;

  return $oa;


This gets all the defined constants, if verbose it gets more and gets the values for each.

function get_debug_defined($vb=false)
  foreach ((array)@get_defined_constants() as $k => $v){if (!$vb && in_array($k, array('ABSPATH', 'WP_ADMIN'))) $vb = true;  if($vb)$oa[$k]=$v;}

  foreach (
  ) as $def) if (defined($def) && $val = constant($def) && !empty($val)) $oa[$def] = $val;

  return $oa;


This function gets the values of your php ini, if verbose it gets them all and shows the currently used value instead of both the global and local.

function get_debug_inis($vb=false)

  foreach (array('Error Log' => 'error_log',
'Session Data Path' => 'session.save_path',
'Upload Tmp Dir' => 'upload_tm_p_dir',
'Include Path' => 'include_path',
'Memory Limit' => 'memory_limit',
'Max Execution Time' => 'max_execution_time',
'Display Errors' => 'display_errors',
'Allow url fopen' => 'allow_url_fopen',
'Disabled Functions' => 'disable_functions',
'Safe Mode' => 'safe_mode',
'Open Basedir' => 'open_basedir',
'File Uploads' => 'file_uploads',
'Max Upload Filesize' => 'upload_max_filesize',
'Max POST Size' => 'post_max_size',
'Open Basedir' => 'open_basedir') as $title => $ini_name) if (($val = '' && $val = strval(ini_get($ini_name))) !== false && !empty($val)) $oa[$title] = $val;

    foreach ((array)@ini_get_all() as $k => $v) $oa[$k] = (($v['global_value'] == $v['local_value']) ? $v['global_value'] : $v);
  return $oa;


I'm particularly proud of this function because the preg_replace was tough and the result is a perfect array of values returned by the phpinfo command.

function get_debug_phpinfo()
  $oa = preg_replace(array('#^.*(.*).*$#ms', '#

PHP License

.*$#ms', '#


#', "#r?n#", "##", '# +<#', "#[ t]+#", '# #', '# +#', '# class=".*?"#', '%'%', '#(?:.*?)" src="(?:.*?)=(.*?)" alt="PHP Logo" />' . '

PHP Version (.*?)

(?:n+?)#', '#

PHP Credits

#', '#(?:.*?)" src="(?:.*?)=(.*?)"(?:.*?)Zend Engine (.*?),(?:.*?)#', "# +#", '##', '##'), array('$1', '', '', '', '' . "n", '<', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', ' ', '

PHP Configuration

' . "n" . 'PHP Version$2' . "n" . 'PHP Egg$1', 'PHP Credits Egg$1', 'Zend Engine$2' . "n" . 'Zend Egg$1', ' ', '%S%', '%E%'), ob_get_clean()); $sections = explode('

', strip_tags($oa, '')); unset($sections[0]); $oa = array(); foreach ($sections as $section) { $n = substr($section, 0, strpos($section, '

')); preg_match_all('#%S%(?:(.*?))?(?:(.*?))?(?:(.*?))?%E%#', $section, $askapache, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($askapache as $m) $oa[$n][$m[1]] = (!isset($m[3]) || $m[2] == $m[3]) ? $m[2] : array_slice($m, 2); } return $oa; }


Gets a list of all the files included by php, if verbose it also super-stats them.

function get_debug_included($vb=false)
  foreach((array)@get_included_files() as $k=>$v) $oa[$v]=($vb===false) ? '' : $this->_stat($v);
  return $oa;


Gets a list of predefined classes declared in your php instance, if verbose it gets EVERY class and also gets the methods for each.

function get_debug_classes($vb=false)
  $classes= ($vb!==false) ? (array)@get_declared_classes() : array('WP','WP_Error','Walker','WP_Ajax_Response','wpdb','WP_Object_Cache','WP_Query','WP_Rewrite','WP_Locale');
  foreach ($classes as $k)  $oa[$k] = @get_class_methods($k);

  return $oa;


This function tries to get the values of every known (past and present) global variable in php.

function get_debug_globals($vb=false)

  $globs =
  'GET'     => isset( $_GET )?$_GET:'',
  'POST'    => isset( $_POST )?$_POST:'',
  'COOKIE'  => isset( $_COOKIE )?$_COOKIE:'',
  'SESSION'   => isset( $_SESSION )?$_SESSION:'',
  'ENV'     => isset( $_ENV )?$_ENV:'',
  'FILES'     => isset( $_FILES )?$_FILES:'',
  'SERVER'  => isset( $_SERVER )?$_SERVER:'',
  'SERVER'  => isset( $_SERVER )?$_SERVER:'',
  'UPLOAD'  => function_exists('wp_upload_dir') ? wp_upload_dir():'',
  'REQUEST'   => isset( $_REQUEST )?$_REQUEST:'',
  'HTTP_GET_VARS'     => isset( $HTTP_GET_VARS )?$HTTP_GET_VARS:'',
  'HTTP_ENV_VARS'     => isset( $HTTP_ENV_VARS )?$HTTP_ENV_VARS:'',
  foreach ($globs as $k => $v) if (isset($v) && sizeof($v) > 0) $oa[$k] = $v;

  foreach (array_keys($_SERVER) as $k) if ($val = strval($_SERVER[$k]) && !empty($val)) $oa[(substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_' ? 'HTTP' : 'SERVER')][$k] = $_SERVER[$k];

  return $oa;


Returns a list of all the loaded extensions in php. If verbose it also returns their functions!

function get_debug_loaded_extensions($vb=false)
  foreach((array)@get_loaded_extensions() as $k=>$v) $oa[$v]= ($vb===false) ? '' : (array)@get_extension_funcs($v);
  return $oa;



