grlf/eyedock/master/amember/.htaccess - Htaccess File


#  Sample Nginx rules configuration:
#  aMember rules (replace /amember to actual aMember Pro path from site root)
#       location ~* ^/amember/.*.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|swf|csv)$ {}
#       location ~* ^/amember/setup/index.php$ { try_files not-existing-file @php; }
#       location ~* ^/amember/js.php { try_files not-exiting-file @php; }
#       location ~* ^/amember/index.php$ { try_files not-existing-file @php; }
#       location ~* ^/amember/public.php$ { try_files not-existing-file @php; }
#       location ~* ^/amember/public { rewrite ^.*$ /amember/public.php; } 
#       location ~* ^/amember/setup { rewrite ^.*$ /amember/setup/index.php; }
#       location ~* ^/amember { rewrite ^.*$ /amember/index.php; }
#  you must already have something like that in your nginx configuration:
#       location ~ .php$ {
#          try_files not-existing-file @php;
#       }
#       location @php {
#         fastcgi_pass;
#         include fastcgi_params;
#       }
#  it is necessary to have @php section, as it is referred by aMember rules, and 
#  it must be located at bottom
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
# You may need to uncomment the following line if rewrite fails to work
# RewriteBase must be setup to base URL of your aMember installation without
# domain name
    RewriteBase /amember
    RewriteRule ^public public.php [L]
    RewriteRule ^js.php js.php [L]
    RewriteRule !.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|swf|csv|html)$ index.php

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
#  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

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