A-deLuna/servo/master/tests/wpt/css-tests/css21_dev/html4/.htaccess - Htaccess File
# Define some types
AddType application/xhtml+xml .xht
AddType text/html .htm
AddType text/css .css
AddType image/png .png
AddType text/plain .data .list
# Set the default character set
AddDefaultCharset utf-8
# Indexing Options
Options +Indexes
IndexOptions DescriptionWidth=* NameWidth=* FancyIndexing FoldersFirst ScanHTMLTitles
IndexIgnore .htaccess *~ .#* #*# CVS README
ReadmeName README
# Set up the README files to be plain text
<files README>
ForceType text/plain
SetHandler default-handler
# Add some default descriptions
AddDescription "Information about the files in this directory" README
<Files ~ "^cascade-import-002.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$">
Header add Link "<support/cascade-import-002d.css>; rel="stylesheet""
Header add Link "<support/cascade-import-002f.css>; rel="stylesheet""
<Files ~ "^lang-selector-005.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$">
AddLanguage fr .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-001.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-002.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-003.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-004.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-005.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-006.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
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AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-008.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-009.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-010.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-011.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-15 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-012.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-013.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-014.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-15 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-015.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-016.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-017.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-15 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-018.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-019.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-020.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-021.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-022.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-023.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-024.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-025.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset utf-8 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-026.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-027.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-028.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<Files ~ '^character-encoding-029.(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset iso-8859-1 .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<files ~ '^character-encoding-03[1234567].(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset us-ascii .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
<files ~ '^at-charset-07[1234567].(xht|xhtml|xml|html|htm)$'>
AddCharset us-ascii .xht .xhtml .xml .html .htm
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