DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
RewriteEngine On
# Specify here the absolute path from the document root to the GeoIRI directory
RewriteBase /geoiri/
# Adds a trailing slash after /geometry, if missing.
RewriteRule ^(id|doc)/geometry$ ./$1/geometry/ [R=301,L]
# Adds a trailing slash after /geometry/[SRS], if missing.
RewriteRule ^(id|doc)/geometry/([d]+)$ ./$1/geometry/$2/ [R=301,L]
# Performs an HTTP 303 redirection from the URI of the geometry (/geometry/id/*)
# to the URI its description /geometry/doc/*).
RewriteRule ^id(/.+) ./doc$1 [R=303,L]
# Maps the URI path to the URI query string submitted to the GeoIRI API.
RewriteRule ^(id|doc)/geometry(/([^/]*)(/(([^/]*[d]+[)]*))(.(.+))?)?)?)?$ geometry/?srs=$3&georep=$6&format=$8 [NC,PT]