unison/unison/master/www/.htaccess - Htaccess File


Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymLinks
AddHandler cgi-script .sh
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort
HeaderName HEADER.html

DirectoryIndex index.pl index.html

RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/cgi/(.*) $1/$2

# reimplemented static HTML with Unison::WWW::Page
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/credits.html      $1/credits.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/(?!tour|dumps)/index.html  $1/$2/index.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/license.html       $1/license.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/more.html         $1/about.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/shots.html       $1/shots.pl

# consolidation and reorganization
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/origins.pl       $1/contents.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/params.pl           $1/contents.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/about_env.pl       $1/env.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/getting.pl       $1/download.pl

# moved to ../doc and made symlink to the doc directory
#RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/critical-tables.pdf  $1/doc/critical-tables.pdf
#RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/unison-tutorial.pdf  $1/doc/unison-tutorial.pdf

<IfModule mod_auth_kerb.c>
  Require valid-user

  # nph-pdb-fetch.sh must be "open" because Jmol
  # doesn't know how to handle auth requests for 
  # files loaded from a URL.
  <Files nph-pdb-fetch.sh>
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
      Satisfy any

On Github License


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