RewriteEngine on
# Provide redirects for removed pages
# MacOSX.html install converted to .shtml 12/2015
RewriteRule ^MacOSX.html /install/MacOSX.shtml [R=302,L]
# Linux.html install converted to .shtml 12/2015
RewriteRule ^Linux.html /install/Linux.shtml [R=302,L]
# FAQLinux.html install converted to .shtml 03/2016
RewriteRule ^FAQLinux.html /install/FAQLinux.shtml [R=302,L]
# openSUSE.html install converted to .shtml 03/2009
RewriteRule ^OpenSUSE.html /install/OpenSUSE.shtml [R=302,L]
# Debug.html install converted to .shtml 02/2008
RewriteRule ^Debug.html /install/Debug.shtml [R=302,L]
# ShellScripts.shtml moved to html/doc/Technical/ 03/2008
RewriteRule ^ShellScripts.shtml /help/en/html/doc/Technical/StartUpScripts.shtml [R=302,L]
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